National Physcial Laboratory – Teddington Close Temperature Control Room Installation
Client: NG Bailey and Company Limited / J Laing Plc / Laser
M and E Contract Value: £30m
Project Description
To redesign at the Mechanical and Electrical Services for the 29 Close Temperature Control Rooms at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington.
The laboratories require temperature control to ± 0.1oC across the whole room. In addition the humidity is required to be very tightly controlled with the use of dedicated fresh air plant with Dew Point Control. The laboratories each have separate air handling units providing up to 200 air changes an hour.
In addition all rooms require clean air to Federal Standard 209 equivalent to Class 100 to Class 10,000.
Services Provided
- Air conditioning of the laboratories to ± 0.1oC in all laboratories with noise levels limited to NR25 in Module 4.
- Dew Point Control Humidity control for fresh air plant.
- Specialist Process Exhaust.
- Fume Cupboard System.
- All Electrical Services include specialist lighting, small power, fire alarms, electrical / medical
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